Oh Me, Oh My...  


Today is September 10th, 2008, and it was a very good day.

First off, my beta from Monday, September 8th, was 33dp6dt, and the number was 12,212. To a lot, that is a low number, BUT, I did a lot of research and found that you really can not say what is low and what is high, every pregnancy is different, and every woman is different. But, my research showed that I wasn't the only one.. There were a couple of ladies from my forums that had a beta after their 30dp, and some of their numbers were in the 9 thousands, and some higher. There was even a lady who had her beta done at 28dp, and her number was about 13K, and SHE WAS HAVING TRIPLETS!! lol. Anyways, thats that update.

Today, however, I went to Albuquerque for my 2nd ultrasound, and the findings were gorgeous. The fetus is still measuring small (about 6 weeks), but its a lot larger than it was last week, meaning, IT GREW!! You can look at the previous photo from last week, above. Heres the new photo from today:

Also, even before it was pointed out to everyone in the room, I seen it.. and sure enough, the Dr. confirmed, THERE WAS A HEARTBEAT!!!!!!

As soon as he said it, everyone behind me (including, Decateur, and C & S) all let out a gasp, as they were holding their breath. C even began to cry! Happy tears of course!

My estimated due date is : April 24, 2009, I am supposed to be about 8 weeks tomorrow.

Thank you to all who kept their hopes up, and said their prayers for us. Yes we're relieved today, but we also know that there is still a chance of disaster, as there always is in the first trimester, but, right now, were all very happy, relieved, and excited about what may come!

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