Guess What.....
So, I've been taking 2 tests (2 different brands) each time I pee ever since the transfer day (august 6, 2008). This morning, I took my first 2 of the day, and glanced, decided it was a no. I threw yesterdays away (for some reason I keep all the ones during that day, maybe to see if something pops up later??? lol) I then put them on the back of the toilet, a litte dissapointed, yet again. I took my shower, and then decided to call the local laboratories and find out how much it will be to get my blood test done on beta day.
As I was about to email C and let her know the costs, Decateur yells out, "YOUR PREGNANT!!", I will admit, I've been really moody lately, and so I rolled my eyes and said, "How do YOU know?". He came into the room holding the 2 sticks and said, "You have lines!!". I quickly grabbed them away and in my disbelief, there they were, Both Positives! Yes, they were the squinty positives, but that counts!!
So I deleted the email, and called C right away. She screamed for the whole 5 minutes we were on the phone, she was so happy!
I went ahead and went on base to see if I could get a blood test there. I did, and an hour later they called back saying it was negative. I was confused. We were grocery shopping when she called, so when we got home, I decided to pee on more! 2 more, both positive, even darker!!
I posted on my usualy site: and told them what happened and there have been many replies.. apparently (yes, im ignorant, i didnt have any clue) there are 2 different types of tests; Qualitative: relating to, measuring, or measured by the quality of something rather than its quantity. and Quantitative: relating to, measuring, or measured by the quantity of something rather than its quality. Apparently, this mean that Qualitative see if there is the hCG hormone in my blood, and the Quantitative measures how much is in my blood. I've heard that the Qualitative tests have to have a higher amount to show a yes. Wheras, the Quantitative would be taken and the beta number would say if I was or was not pregnant by how high the number is. The hCG is measured in milli-international units per milliliter (mIU/mI). An hCG level of less than 5 mIU/MI is considered negative for pregnancy, and anything above 25 mIU/mI is considered positive for pregnancy.
Here is a link to the forum in which the other Surros and Ips replied: PREGNANT...or not?
Theres a photo on there of the sticks, but I'll upload here too just in case. Some may have to tilt screen to actually see the lines, they are there, I swear!