A lot has happened since my last post, Ill try to go in order for you so its not so confusing...
Today is July 23. First off, me and my family went on vacation to our home towns, Mountain Home, Arkansas and Houston, Missouri. While I was there, I received my meds, and on the 6th of July, I began my Lupron. Its not so bad. For some reason, my mind wont let me stick myself with a needle, instead, it makes me freak out, and well, I just cant do it. I did do it, 2x, but that was it. Since then, My wonderful husband has done them everynight. Now, this is very tricky, considering he works 24 hour shifts every other day at the fire station. So, Yes, I drive a whole 5 minutes to go eat dinner with him, and then we take a trip to the bathroom so he can give me a shot. He has mastered the Lupron. He knows where to give it to me, how to stick it in, how to hold it, and how to release it and withdrawl the needle nicely. A few times, it really hurt. And one time, he wasnt holding on secure enough and tried to move his hand, and LET GO!! So, there was a needle, just hanging out of me! It didnt hurt that much, and no bruises. lol. I was in Missouri when I started my Lupron. Its central time in Arkansas/Missouri, so I started taking my shots at 8pm. Now that were home, I take them at 7:25pm mountain time.
It would be so funny for someone to watch me get my shot. First off, I want Decateur to be as stable as he possibly can be, so I make him stand, not kneel, or sit, because one way or another it would always end up being a weird position. So, I put my foot in the sink. We found this out at the fire station, because in the bathroom there isnt much room to sit or move, just a toilet and a child changing table (which im sure would fall if i sat on...) So, I propped my foot into the sink, and sort of layed my leg sideways onto the counter. That angle is perfect for him to hit the "perfect, no pain" spot. So, I do that at home now too. I think he likes giving me my shots... kind of a way to "get back at me" for whatever, folding a towel, or flushing the toilet while hes showering, lol. Either way, at least hes getting practice for his EMT stuff he has to go through at the station.
On July 14th, was my birthday. I turned the big 22. C, my intended mother, was so thoughtful, that she sent me a bigger bouquet of flowers with an AWESOME square, modern vase, to us in Missouri! That vase is now a center peice on our dining table. I have dark black and brown rocks in the bottom of it, with some very petite white flower tops sprinkled on top. Its pretty. This is them:
She is so thoughtful, I am so very greatful for getting a set of IPs like this!
On the 18th of July, I had an ultrasound to see if the Lupron is doing its job. It is, I was at 10 units, and got knocked down to 5 units, just like I was supposed to be. My lining is thin, and I'm not ovulating. Also on this day, we signed the contract! I was very nervous at first, because contracts have always been known or reffered to as, "signing your life away". But, I swear, It must be the perfect IPs I have, because they have assured me, no matter what, they will take care of me, and call me crazy, but I believe them!!
On the 20th of July, I started my Vivelle Dot patches. I'm on 1 patch until tomorrow, the 24th, my first 2 patch day!! The patch is an estrogen patch, It is thickening my lining. On the 30th, I will have another ultrasound to make sure my lining is thick enough, so that those little Embryos will have something to stick to!
As my calender states, I will begin the Progesterone, PIO, shot on the 1st of August. That needle is HUGE. I am pretty nervous about the whole thing. Its intramuscular, and it goes on the upper left/right quadrant of my buttock. Its gonna hurt. They leave bruises! But, it is imperative I have that PIO shot. That has been known as the best. That shot will maintain the pregnancy, Hopefully one will happen, and I continue that for about 10 weeks, until the placenta is making its own progesterone.
Hello, My name is Kayla, and I am Obsessive Compulsive. I have to have my towels folded a certain way, and put away a certain way. I have to have the WHOLE counter clean, when I clean it. The sink has to be spotless. And.... Things have to be in their place... such as my medicine. Here is my "Sterile Zone":
Yes, I taped an area, on my counter, for my medicine to go. Everything has its OWN PLACE. Am I weird or what?? That white piece of paper, is my calendar, with little boxes next to all medicine, for me to check off what I've taken that day. At least I can admit that I have a problem. Isnt that the first step?? lol. I think its beautiful no matter how weird it is. At least I didn't measure the tape and make it COMPLETELY SQUARE!! Boy did I want to though.
Well, we have our transfer on the 6th, unless something goes horribly wrong, like the embryos dont thaw right, and if that happens, thats the end. =( We will all be sad. But, on a lighter note, we are going to Albuquerque on the 5th, to spend a whole day with my IPs. to relax and have fun together before serious time, during the transfer. Then after the transfer, I will be on bedrest for 48 hours. Lots of "TREAT ME LIKE I'M A QUEEN" time. LOL!! Im so excited!
Until next time!!